Wasn't it just the other day that you were being told by the government what you could and couldn't do... on a minute by a minute basis?

Wasn't it just the other day that, out of fear of being arrested that you hid your beautiful face from your own family and friends?

Did you force your grandchildren to wear muzzles because the "the powers that be" sold you to?
How soon we forget...

Wasn't it just the other day that you were hiding In your home, glued to the news and social media, waiting for the moment you could get together with your family again?


Wasn't it just the other day that you were anxiously counting the moments, Waiting for permission to have your freedom back, as the days rolled over into weeks and the weeks rolled over into months and the month turned into years?

You see my friend, these are the dangers of being in your comfort zone? 

And they want you in your comfort zone because that's when you least expect it! When you're in your comfort zone, you don't think about what maybe lurking right around the corner...

And what about all those free unmasked rebels who pranced around without a care  in the world? 

Did they know something you didn't know?

I didn't cover my face once during the entire two year masquerade ball, but of course, I'm a Sovereign American National. I make the rules on my piece of ground.

Are you ready to own nothing and love it? 

Because Agenda 2030 is a real thing, and
 they're coming for you, your family and your property!           


What are you doing to prepare yourself?

Because 2030 is only a few years years away!

Listen, you know that freedom is a priceless thing to lose, and it pays to know how to protect it! So I'm sending you this little reminder to let you know that It's not too late to...

Get your copy today because...

hindsight is 20/20.